글로벌 커리어 프로그램

국제기구 및 글로벌 커리어에서 생애주기에 맞는 커리어 교육 프로그램을 운영 및 지원합니다.

  • You will receive an official certificate upon completing the SDGs Research Assistant internship, but credit eligibility will depend on your university's policies.

  • Since the program is fully remote and does not track fixed working hours (e.g., 9 AM-5 PM), it may not meet the credit requirements of some universities.

  • We recommend reaching out to your university to clarify their policies regarding internship credits.
  • Failure to meet work requirements or adhere to policies while working remotely, including but not limited to, poor participation in regular meetings, insufficient performance on assigned tasks, or late/non-submission of assignments (Max 2 penalties), will result in the inability to issue the official certificate of internship.

  • Research Assistants must ensure they have a reliable internet connection and the necessary tools and environment to perform their duties effectively. Any prolonged technical difficulties or issues should be reported immediately to the manager.
  • This position does not offer a monthly salary.

  • The Research Assistant will receive WFUNA’s official certificate of internship upon completion of the agreement.
  • Research Assistants and managers will have regular wrap-up meetings at the end of each goal period to review progress, share research outcomes, and address any challenges.

  • Before the wrap-up meeting, Research Assistants will hold a pre-wrap-up meeting in a small group setting. This allows them to review each other's final summaries and provide valuable feedback, fostering open sharing and collaboration.

  • The exact date and time for these meetings will be coordinated with the final selected candidates to ensure availability.

  • To manage inquiries more efficiently, especially considering time differences and remote work, a WhatsApp group chat will be used for better communication and regular updates with the Research Assistants.

Research Assistants who work remotely are expected to:

  • Adopt a results-oriented approach, focusing on the completion and quality of tasks rather than strictly adhering to hourly commitments. However, it is expected to dedicate approximately 8-12 hours per week to focused research activities to ensure consistent progress.

  • Be fully available during fixed wrap-up meetings with managers, including pre-wrap-up meetings, as these are crucial for effective communication and project alignment.

World Federation of United Nations Associations, Seoul Secretariat
(사)유엔협회세계연맹 (분사무소)
서울시 중구 명동길 26 유네스코회관 503호 (우) 04536
No. | 220-82-11107

Secretary General | Aziel Goulandris
Tel |  02-6925-2695
Email |


ⓒ 2025 WFUNA Seoul Secretariat.